Most Haunted Breweries and Some Not So


“Sometimes on evening brewery tours, you smell brewery founder Walter Hicks’ pipe tobacco”

Haunted Breweries

We took the effort to research which breweries are haunted. So, we would very much like to share with you the information we received from breweries when we asked if they have a ghost.

Treboom Brewery ‏@TreboomBrewery
There are no ghostly reports:

“Don’t think so - only things going bump in the night is John after too much beer.”

St Austell Brewery ‏@StAustellBrew
This brewery has reported hauntings,

“Sometimes on evening brewery tours you smell brewery founder Walter Hicks’ pipe tobacco”

NaturalSelectionBeer ‏@NatrlSelectBrew
There are no ghostly reports:

“We are brewing out of stewarts brewing company and i can confirm that there are no ghosts there”

Outstanding Brewing ‏@Outstandingbeer
There are no ghostly reports:

“It’s an old cotton mill. I think I hear groans of poor unfortunates that worked there, then realise it’s the one’s that still do!”

Fallons Ales ‏@FallonsAles
There are no ghostly reports:

“none that I’ve come across yet !”

Imperial Brewery ‏@ImperialBrewery
This may have,

“when working in brewery under pub I have heard a voice other than ours plus knocking. Heard footsteps upstairs when just me”

The Durham Brewery ‏@durhambrewery
These are do not,

“No, but we do have disappearing bottles. Can’t seem to keep up with the emptying shelves.”

Old School Brewery ‏@OldSchoolBrewer
Sounds positive,

“thanks for following. 2 haunted pubs and a brewery in a 500yr old building in our village. Let me know if you want images.”

Caledonian Beer ‏@caledonianbeer
Strongly possibilities here,

“spooky! Our Brewery was built in 1869 so bound to be one or two there two :)”

Eden Brewery ‏@edenbrewery

“not really (fortunately!) but the location has a lot of history where tens of thousands of people have worked over the years”

Hydes Brewery @HydesBrewery

“Well nothing has been seen yet…… & I hope it stays like that :-) :-) ”

Town Mill Brewery ‏@TownMillBrewery10h

“Yes the lost soul of an ancient brewer appears daily after hours with his spirit friends.”

We would like to take this opportunity to thank those breweries that took part.