Visit Haunted Inns and Hotels in Derbyshire Dales

Ye Old Vaults

21 Market Place, Ashbourne, Derbyshire

It has all the appearance of being a late Georgian pub that was renamed Ye Olde Vaults in the late 19th century. For many years, it haunted by two girls in grey dresses on one of the upper floor rooms. Locals think they may have been live-in scullery house cleaners, who died in mysterious circumstances. At Hanging Bridge, Ashbourne, there are two ghosts. One is a headless figure seen standing on the bridge, with the other is to seen jump from it into the River Henmore. At Ashbourne Church, a little girl, Penelope Boothby, is buried. Frequently, witnesses see her ghost as it walk through that churchyard. Many people have reported seeing phantoms of ancient beggars in the same place, which disappear if anyone goes near them. Another ghostly figure haunts the streets nearby this pub. It is the ghost of a young girl, who was buried alive. She had been at a hospital for treatment and pronounced dead. One of the doctors, who had examined her, was concerned. He had her body exhumed. It someone found that she had died giving birth to her baby in her coffin.