Visit Haunted Inns and Hotels in East Northamptonshire

Talbot Hotel

New St, Oundle

The building was, at one time, a monastery hospice and its' history goes back to medieval days. Originally, locals knew it as the Tabret, a guest-house for pilgrims and religious travellers. Over 300 years ago, a former proprietor took away stones from the demolished Fotheringhay Castle where Mary, Queen of Scots, had been imprisoned before her execution in 1587, to use in building the inn. It is said that her executioner stayed at this hostelry the night prior to the execution where he was reported to have dined on pigeon pie. Parts of the castle staircase were used in the rebuilding and, since then, terrible sobs and cries have echoed around the Talbot. At one time, a portrait of Queen Mary fell off a wall during a discussion which was being had about her. Photographers have tried to record the haunted parts. However, their films always come out blank. Guests and staff at the Talbot have heard a woman wailing and keening in one bedroom, even though the room is always empty at the time of the occurrence. One man, on his way to his room, heard footsteps behind him and turned around and there was no-one there. One guest saw and spoke to a woman who was wearing a fawn coloured skirt with a white blouse and small cap. She was also wearing an apron or pinafore over her skirt. Locals think this apparition to have been that of a former cleaner. When the guest addressed her, the apparition faded away. This ghost has also been observed from a window on the landing, walking in the yard below.