Visit Haunted Inns and Hotels in Kettering

Wheel and Compass

Valley Rd, Weston By Welland, Leicestershire, Weston by Welland

It is rare to find pubs named ‘Wheel’ now, as they were for the wheelwright’s shops in former days carrying out repairs on wheels of coaches and carts. The ‘Compass’ part of this pub name may originate from houses of Compassion. These were not homes for elderly people. However, these were hospices for religious travellers and pilgrims. It has a curious architectural style, part Georgian with the addition of an upper floor, possibly late Victorian. Reports claim that it exhibits ghostly manifestations. these include the ghost of an old Irishman. He was a navvy who had worked and died nearby. During renovation work, an ancient gravestone bearing Gaelic writing someone found. However, broken up and taken away. It appears that the Irish navvy has been more active since this, with people hear moving around at night when coincidentally, beer bottles explode.